Why doesn’t UNHCR negotiate with Maldives to settle Rohingya refugees in an Island
Whether Rohingyas are leaving Myanmar as genuine refugees or are part of a larger global human smuggling nexus,, third party countries that are not even signatory to the Refugee Convention cannot be saddled with being forced to keep them for an unspecified time limit by the UNHCR. It is unfair by these non-signatory countries and even the so-called refugees or people paying to leave on boats.
From placards held by previously arrived Rohingyas in front of Colombo UNHCR office revealed their demand to live in “dignity”. This automatically requires us to address what constitutes their “dignity”. Obviously, as Muslims they wish to live in a Muslim/Islamic compliant set-up. This means, they would be comfortable & happy around their own & freely able to live amongst their own.
Therefore, it is only fair by Rohingyas that the UNHCR in placing people in signatory or non-signatory countries take stock of their religion & their ethnicity as these factors cannot be ignored as they emerge into problems & issues much later. Ignoring them is tantamount to the colonial policy of colonial settler colonization schemes that became the root of present ethnic conflicts the world over.
Thus, taking historical realities into account, it is suggested that the UNHCR negotiate with the Government of Maldives & arrange to transform an uninhabited island into a Rohingya centre & remunerate the Maldives govt instead of facilitating pocket groups of people all over the world, causing unwanted problems internally because UNHCR cannot find resettlement options or send back Rohingyas to where they came from.
A permanent solution to the problem has to be arrived at. It is unfair by both Rohingyas & countries like Sri Lanka who is being unnecessarily subject to systematic illegal boat arrivals complimented with well-funded campaigns using “hired activists” to hold “humanitarian” placards calling to “settle” Rohingyas in Sri Lanka after they absorb themselves into society over time. This is part of the global human smuggling nexus where big bucks are passing hands which explains the sudden “love” for Rohingyas & the promotion of the “humanitarian” element to encourage society to ignore the dangerous ramifications in the future. This mischievous & devious plan cannot be allowed.
What Bangladesh is going through with a surge in Rohingyas without UNHCR coming up with a proper resettlement plan is a lesson for Sri Lanka not to knowingly fall into the same trap.
Maldives is an officially Islamic-republic & influenced by Shariah law. Only Muslims are citizens of Maldives (Article 9 –2008). Islam is state religion & it is mandatory for all citizens to be Muslim.
There are 50 Muslim majority nations, if they are unwilling to take the Rohingyas, we must wonder why they do not wish to take people of their own faith?
However, Rohingyas need to have a somewhat permanent place to live a normal life & this is why an Island in the Maldives is suggested. If such an option is pursued, the illegal boat travel may even stop when they know that all illegal travellers will only end up in that new Island! The illegal boat arrivals to Australia has significantly stopped as a result of its strict policy & naval patrolling as illegal boat arrivals know they cannot gain entry to Australia.
The Govt of Sri Lanka must also look at the issue beyond the “humanitarian” canvas that is being projected by people who need to be investigated for any links to the international human smuggling nexus where big money is influencing political “changes” that are likely to be future problems, that Sri Lanka should not shoulder.
Shenali D Waduge