GoSL & Diplomatic Community is going behind TNA/ITAK which hardly has 2% of Tamil mandate


How many would agree that the views of Tamils in Sri Lanka has been hijacked by parties like ITAK & its umbrella group TNA? With 2.2million registered Tamils (of which many are registered but living overseas) why is it that the TNA/ITKA hardly get even 1/3 of their vote? Can ITAK & TNA make demands claiming their demands are what the Tamil people want. Should GoSL peddle newest “solution” District Development Council as a stepping stone to federate Sri Lanka? Before the GoSL venture into anything without thinking, they should address the disproportionate allocation of district seats/Parliamentary seats to Northern province first.

The TNA was formed in 2001 by the LTTE as a knee-jerk response to the war on terror declared by US in 2001 following 9/11.


The TNA contested 5 Parliamentary Elections – 2001, 2004, 2010, 2015, 2020

Its best performance was during the heyday of the LTTE where even the European Election Observers accused LTTE of campaigning for TNA (2001-2004).

2010-2013 elections have been post-LTTE defeat while TNA’s 2015 results attribute to its alliance to the Indo-US regime change campaign.

While Tamils live across Sri Lanka, TNA/ITAK contests only in TNA contested only in six districts yet Tamils live across all 25 districts of Sri Lanka.
Why doesn’t TNA/ITAK represent estate Tamils as TNA enjoy using disenfranchisement of Tamils at independence as a grievance in its manifestos?


Colombo where over 210,000 Tamils live TULF/ITAK has failed to get more than 13,000 Tamil votes.

The diplomatic community are going behind a party that hardly has 2% of the Tamil mandate?

While up North where it contests, it secures votes by virtue of the fact that people have no other alternate choice & not because the Tamils are gaga over ITAK/TNA.

TNA constituent parties



2010 – ITAK, TELO and EPRLF – TULF and ACTC no longer in TNA

2013 – ITAK, TELO and EPRLF


2020 – ITAK, TELO and PLOTE (TULF, ACTC, EPRLF – no longer in TNA)


District National Total
2001 348,164 3.89 14 1 15
2004 633,654 6.84 20 2 22
2010 233,190 2.90 13 1 14
2015 515,963 4.62 14 2 16
2020 327,168 2.82 9 2 10
Year Registered Voters Rejected Votes Valid Votes Total Votes
2001 12,428,762 493,944 8,955,869 9,449,813
2004 12,899,139 534,948 9,262,732 9,797,680
2010 14,088,500 596,972 8,033,717 8,630,689
2015 15,044,490 517,123 11,166,975 11,684,098
2020 16,263,885 744,373 11,598,936 12,343,309


Northern Provincial Council Elections 2013 – ITAK

Year Voters Elected Members Registered voters Voted Rejected votes
2013 213,907 14 426,813 273,821 20,279


LTTE-TNA links 2010

‘Sole military outfit that fought for a separate homeland for the Tamils.’

Even with open allegiance to the LTTE, the TNA comprising TULF, ACTC, TELO and EPRLF secured only 348,164 votes (3.89% of Tamil votes polled) but because of Sri Lanka’s PR system, TNA managed to get 15 seats & continues to acquire seats unfairly because of the PR system.

It is also important to question why the least populated province in Sri Lanka (North) has the highest number of districts allocated to it (5) while the most populated province (Western) has only 3 districts thereby allocating disproporation number of seats in Parliament due to the PR system.

In 2004 TNA secured 22 seats for 633,654 votes. This is an unacceptable allocation.

The Indian imposed Indo-Lanka Accord of 1987 resulted in the PC system & merger of North-East Province with elections held in 1990 however the merger was annulled & Presidents rule prevailed when Indian-puppet Chief Minister of merged N-E attempted to declare universal independence.

Thus provincial council elections were held in North after 23 years in 2013 following defeat of LTTE.

TNA/ITAK secured 353,594 votes (only 120,405 votes more than what ITAK secured in the 2010 General Elections)

2013 TNA/ITAK PC votes became 515,963 at the August 2015 elections while TNA/ITAK votes reduced to 327,168 in August 2020.

From 2015 to 2020 – 188,795 Tamils had lost faith in TNA. Has the diplomatic community & the GoSL noted these figures?

What is the point of international dignatories visiting a TNA/ITAK that is not representative of the Tamil people?

Even with LTTE support for 2 elections (2001 and 2004) TNA secured only 633,203 votes.

TNA/ITAK supported regime change in 2015 & secured 515,963 votes – just 2.82%

TNA/ITAK are an outdated group – clinging to concepts that seek to selfishly secure their political careers. All of their devolution, federal, 13a, confederal solutions are bag and baggage of a past that even Tamils wish to now depart from.

Tamils now realize that they are being used as pawns by their Tamil leaders who are only interested to pretending to be representing Tamils so that they get a berth in Parliament.


Shenali D Waduge

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