Female boxer falls to her knees & cries as she quits against male transgender: WHERE ARE THE WOMEN’S ACTIVISTS?

It is time the world wakes up & put an end to this “woke” madness. How many more female athletes need to throw in their towel against biological males who are competing in women’s events simply because of some new “gender” mumbo-jumbo allowing males to compete in women’s sports as “transgenders” or because of a new politically correct concept that foolishly allows who “identifies” as the opposite sex to compete in sports. How fair is this by the female athletes who sacrificed years of their lives for a sports activity which they end up having to give up because they cannot compete with a male’s physical power. This undoubtedly proves that males and females cannot be physically made equal and also raises the question as to why the so-called women’s activists are silent on this matter, watching biological females getting battered by biological males who claim to be females.


The world must stand with female boxer Angela Carini & empathize with her. It took just 46 seconds to realize that she could not fight a male pretending to be female & years of hard work to become a professional boxing champion had to be forfeited to safeguard her life. What must have gone on in her mind to make such a decision.

Sadly, the world is full of so called women’s activists but none of them are protesting against the damage the biological female is having to go through with this surge in males suddenly identifying themselves as “females” and bulldozing themselves into an arena that should be only for biological females.

Why are the women’s groups silent on this question? How can they accept a male as a female simply because he “identifies” himself as a female? This gender orientation new concept is an absolute farce. It is destroying the females and the rights of females. The fundamental rights of 3.5billion biological females/women are at stake because of new politically correct concepts that are being shoved down governments using international funding, international loans, scholarships, diplomatic pressures and via international organizations who are using this as another destabilizing tool upon nations.

However, the safety of the biological female is at risk.

Either these males who identify themselves as females whether they call themselves transgender or whatever other new names they seem to be creating for themselves of late, they must be asked to create a new sport for themselves & they can compete with each other. They cannot be allowed to enter any field that has to remain allocated for biological males & biological females.

The biological female is being ousted from sports & biological males pretending to be females are taking over female sports. Next it will be to take over women’s quotas. What if jobs given to females are taken up by males “identifying as females”. How long will these women’s activists chose to remain silent or will they only come out when males “identifying themselves as females” become ‘female activists” but make their voice for males & not females!

This experiment of turning males to females & females to males must stop.

We are born as a man or a woman.

Each have their individual roles to play. Neither should be in competition with the other. Each must respect each other & realize that they exist to complement each other & not to compete with each other.

This brings us to the present bills that are being secretly passed in Sri Lanka’s parliament that are opening the floodgates to new woke virus & enabling transgenderism to enter Sri Lanka. With elections round the corner, this issue must become an election platform topic as Sri Lanka cannot afford to have a new virus engulf society. We have seen the damage this political correctness has brought the Western world & even Mr. Donald Trump openly denouncing the woke agenda while Elon Musk who has lost his own son to the woke agenda calls it a virus he is also determined to stop. We hope his investments in Sri Lanka are with precondition that no woke agenda is to be implemented.

We must take lessons from the damage taking place before our own eyes – we saw how the woke virus ruined the Olympic opening ceremony by making a mockery of the last supper, what “pride” in a parade that claims to be “family-friendly” but is held entirely in the nude in Canada? What a tragedy when a female athlete has no choice to give up playing for fear of her life because her opponent is a male pretending to be a female.

The Mahanayaka theros & all of the traditional religions in Sri Lanka have come in unison to condemn such bills being introduced & cautioned political parties from passing such legislation.

Opposition of Trinitarian Mahanayaka Theros to the LGBT Bill

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQBI1oLRqaQ Religious Leaders unite against Govt & Presidents attempt to pass LGBTQ Bills & destroy Society & the Country’s Cultural Heritage


◼️ACJU vehemently condemns the legalization of the practice of seeking sexual gratification through immoral means

🌐 https://acju.lk/en/news/acju-news/3352-acju-news

What more examples do we want to not legalize homosexuality & transgenderism in Sri Lanka?


Shenali D Waduge


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