CHATGPT list of US agencies funding Govt & Civil Society warrants immediate investigation & disclose to Sri Lankan citizens by the GoSL
US funding for GoSL entities & Civil Society 2015 to present
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With “artificial intelligence” now becoming the buzzword, citizens should utilize it to gather information while knowing that it is not completely correct. It is an entity giving us information that is in public domain cutting time spent on searching. However, if incorrect data had been fed it is likely that the output we receive will undoubtedly be questionable. Therefore, while we cannot presume ChatGPT to be entire factual what it is giving cannot be completely disregarded as well. It provides the sources and also encourages us to verify from the original websites, annual reports etc. Also, depending on how the question is asked the answers are likely to vary as well. But it provides a good foundation for investigation.
Therefore, the GoSL is dutybound to investigate as the Speaker himself as agreed to do, primarily because not only political parties, but Parliament, Central Bank, Judicial system, Ministries, Corporations – entire state entities ChatGPT claims to have received funding & collaborated in a variety of programs that constitute a violation of Sri Lanka’s sovereignty & territorial integrity as well as a threat to Article 9 of Sri Lanka’s Constitution as the very entities that fund the State are clamouring to change the Constitution with primary goal to remove Article 9 of Sri Lanka’s Constitution thus fulfilling the colonial goal that they have failed to do since 1505.
So the Trojan Horse has now after over 500 years of trying come inside the gates.
While our attention has always been on civil society, NGOs, think tanks ets being aligned & funded to destabilize Sri Lanka, the enemy has nicely crept into the State apparatus especially following the 2015 regime change.
Nevertheless, governments may come & go, officials can be changed or removed but the Nation must remain protecting & securing the civilizational history & heritage for it is that which has held the Nation together & protected all. Neither of the worlds 2 powerful faiths have moral standing to dictate given that all of the world’s wars involve them while the faith that heralds our nearest neighbor is also involved in unforgiveable destruction & vandalism of Buddhist heritage sites in the North & East.
Going through the list / the amounts disbursed / the programs that are being rolled out doesn’t take an idiot to connect the dots & picture what the ultimate goal is.
This should be a concern not only to the Govt, but the Opposition and every Nation loving citizen.
Pressure must be exerted to launch an immediate investigation on the State entites, MPs, Ministries etc receiving USAID funding while the Constitutional Committee must remove all MPs including PM who have either worked for US agencies or received funds from them. This is a violation of the Constitution & a major conflict of interest knowing that these international agencies are pushing to change the constitution and have been attempting to do so for many years.
Shenali D Waduge