Category: War on Terror / Separatism


Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith blames UN & Foreign Conspiracy for Easter Sunday attacks

  On 21 April 2019 9 suicide bombers committed suicide in 3 Churches, 3 hotels and 1 motel killing over 270 innocent people. While all of the suicide bombers are dead, we are yet...


Singapore & World Leaders must ask LTTE apologists & lobbyists to present facts

  An organization by the acronym PEARL located in Washington DC, USA has written to Singapore’s Attorney General’s department to investigate the former President Gotabaya Rajapakse. On what grounds can lobbyists insist on investigating...


Racial Killings in US leading to riots & protests from 2020-2022

      50 incidents between 2020 & 2022 in US linked to racially motivated killings and protests that ensued thereafter. While systematic racism continues in US, there are coloured-people who have risen to...


Bishop Robert Caldwell – The same Church that coined Dravida Nadu must also be championing Tamil Eelam

  There was no term called Dravidian until a British missionary arriving in India in 1838 created it to serve several agendas of the Church. The next 40 years was spent in converting Hindu...


Sri Lanka Church demands Easter Sunday justice – did Church punish Church priests linked to LTTE?

  A terrorist and a terror attack whatever justification for their killings must be abhorred by all. Sri Lanka is no stranger to killings since independence. We have seen JVP killings, UNP mass killings...


US in Afghanistan (2001-2021) for National or Corporate interest?

Are America’s wars, on behalf of US citizens or to fatten the bank accounts of American corporations & defense contractors (who sponsor Members of Congress) as well as to ensure there is no alternate...


Will US help create Tamil Eelam Homeland in Tamil Nadu & will India allow it?

  India created Bangladesh out of East Pakistan. It took just 13 days. 73million Bangladeshi’s were given ‘independence’. So, the question is why didn’t India do the same to the Sikhs demanding ‘Khalistan’ or...


Response to the US Congressmen & Resolution 413 against Sri Lanka

    Resolution 413 was presented to the US Congress on 18 May 2021 by Deborah K Ross and 4 co-sponsors though 9 US Congressmen signed a letter to US Secretary of State on...


Sri Lanka Armed Forces are CRUEL INHUMAN War Criminals – Look how they treated injured LTTE

  Spare a few minutes to see the inhumanity of Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces. This video depicts the cruel nature of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces. Capturing an injured LTTE female combatant, look at...