Category: UNHRC Resolutions


UNHRC & UK – LTTE’s best friends

LTTE’s international headquarters are nowhere else but in London. LTTE masqueraded under ‘British Tamil Association” with accounts in Natwest Bank. UK allows LTTE to hold 2 annual events in London – 1stevent is in...


Why is UNHRC so angry with Sri Lanka?

We are told there is a War against Terror. Sri Lanka should know, we suffered various forms of terror, the LTTE being the most heinous. That terror lasted 3 decades. We wasted decades following...


GLOBAL SOUTH must STOP UNHRC creating precedents using Sri Lanka: “Today Sri Lanka, Tomorrow Your Country”

“Today Sri Lanka, Tomorrow Your Country”is the message that countries of the Global South must internalize from the intrusive nature of the OHCHR Report and unprecedented precedents attempted to take place via Global North...


US & UK Military Attache’s demolish UNHRC allegations against Sri Lanka

  Lt. Col. Lawrence Smith was the US Defense Attache to the US embassy in Colombo during the conflict. Lt. Col. Anthony Gash was the UK Defense Attache to the UK High Commission in...


20 Desperate UN officials attempt to use Sri Lanka to create a PRECEDENT that UN Members should not allow!

  Some held portfolios during the thick of LTTE terror. Some held portfolios that could have stopped LTTE terror. Some held portfolios but simply watched LTTE carnage in silent. All of them did nothing...


Retirement Opportunities against Sri Lanka: Stephen Rapp, Ramsey Clark, Yasmin Sooka & Navi Pillay

  We have 4 international figures serving in the international ‘justice & world peace’ system now closely associated with the TGTE. Ramsey Clark’s association with LTTE goes back to 1996, Stephen Rapp after retiring...


Why is UNHRC not bothered about 5000 Missing Sri Lankan Soldiers

  Since terrorist LTTE was defeated in May 2009, UNHRC has been headed by 3 High Commissioners for Human Rights. Navi Pillay (Sept2008-Aug2014), Zeid Al Hussein (Sept2014 to Aug2018) & Michelle Bachelet (Sept2018 to...


Sri Lanka must demand answers from UNHRC – Prove we killed 40,000 or shut up!

    A UN member state is being accused of committing war crimes, crimes against humanity & even ‘genocide’.Sri Lanka has been the victim of an annual witch hunt sponsored by blood-money for 12...