Category: UNHRC Resolutions


Wikileaks discloses source of 40,000 (deaths) as Ranil Wickremasinghe

  Many have wondered where the figure of 40,000 emerged & why it has been extensively quoted by entities who were not even in Sri Lanka & in particular why the figure was included...


Some questions for Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau from Sri Lanka

  LTTE elimination Did you know LTTE was defeated in May 2009 after LTTE refused 3 opportunities given to lay down arms & surrender & chose to face its fate. Consultative Committees Did you...


We challenge Canada & Ontario to produce evidence of “genocide” in Sri Lanka

  We challenge anyone & any country accusing Sri Lanka of “genocide” to place their facts first. These facts should give a good background knowledge of what LTTE is & what LTTE did to...


Why does Sri Lanka go to Geneva to get bashed annually at UNHRC?

  The UNHRC comprises 47 member states. The UNHRC members are elected by the General Assembly for 3 years. The UN General Assembly comprises 193 Member States of which Sri Lanka is one. Sri...

Sri Lanka-UNHRC – are countries ready to face the Ugly Truth? 0

Sri Lanka-UNHRC – are countries ready to face the Ugly Truth?

    Given that UN-US-India & other nations including the Church are asking for Truth & Accountability, are they prepared to own up to some hard truths? The citizens of Sri Lanka all know...