Category: UN & Sri Lanka


Open Letter seeking clarification: Yasmin Sooka & EU Funding for ITJP-Sri Lanka via Foundation for Human Rights South Africa

16 July 2021   Ms. Fiona Knab-Lunny European Commission MEMBER OF CABINET +32 (0) 2 29 60220 Email: cc:   Dear Ms. Fiona Knab-Lunny   Open Letter seeking clarification: Yasmin Sooka &...


Tamil Eelam in Tamil Nadu or every ethnic group around the world will demand Homelands too

    Countries & governments of the world must begin to worry about a future scenario of Chinese in US seeking homeland in USA, Sikhs in UK seeking a homeland in UK, Muslims in...


Questions for US Congressmen writing to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Sri Lanka

On 18 March 2021, nine US Members of Congress co-signed a letter addressed to the US Secretary of State Mr. Anthony Blinken. They didn’t mince their words. Immediately after congratulating Mr. Blinken on his...


UNHRC is a toothless tiger – will Sri Lanka play its cards right in Geneva?

  UNHRC Resolutions are legally non-binding. Its mandate covers only human rights not international humanitarian laws. Whether all 47 members vote against Sri Lanka, or whether all 47 Members vote for Sri Lanka, UNHRC...


Minister Dinesh Gunawardena – What is your strategy to defend Sri Lanka & its Armed Forces in UNHRC?

  The regime change in 2015 brought to power a treacherous team that co-sponsored an intrusive UNHRC Resolution though legally non-binding, agreeing to do changes to internal mechanisms advantageous to the sponsors of the...


Did Sri Lanka commit ‘war crimes’? International Legal luminaries Prof. Crane and Sir Desmond de Silva say NO

The Mahinda Rajapakse government sought the legal opinion of Prof D M Crane and Sir Desmond de Silva on the legal issues pertaining to the use of human shields and hostage taking by the...


UK Police & LTTE Protestors – how long will UK Govt pooh pooh the tigers?

While UK MPs are doing their best to save the LTTE and even deproscribe it, UK Metropolitan Police ended up clashing with pro-LTTE demonstrators in Kenton North-West, Harrow, London on Sunday 14 March 2021....