Category: Sri Lanka Politics


Why can’t the Sinhalese demand separate provincial councils too?

  The Indo-Lanka Accord signed under duress in July 1987 with even Prabakaran held virtual hostage in Delhi until Rajiv Gandhi returned from Colombo to New Delhi, does not mention a word about 13a...


We challenge Canada & Ontario to produce evidence of “genocide” in Sri Lanka

  We challenge anyone & any country accusing Sri Lanka of “genocide” to place their facts first. These facts should give a good background knowledge of what LTTE is & what LTTE did to...


Pretending to Represent YOUTH – JVP & LTTE have killed & ruined the lives of Sri Lanka’s YOUTH

  It is interesting how two groups terrorized 2 communities beyond measure. Both targeted youth and both are responsible for their deaths, their indoctrination, trauma to their families & ruining their youth & disabling...

Sri Lanka: Stop living off loans – Austerity for Rich & Stimulus for Middle Class & Poor 0

Sri Lanka: Stop living off loans – Austerity for Rich & Stimulus for Middle Class & Poor

There are some harsh realities that Sri Lankans need to accept. We have enjoyed nominal independence since 1948 and artificially celebrate that every year. We ignore that we became a republic only in 1972....


Central Bank of Sri Lanka & IMF Bail Out : Is their priority to pay off creditors & put Sri Lankans in further debt?

What has Sri Lanka’s Central Bank offered the Government by way of a fiscal national policy solution having proudly declared Sri Lanka bankrupt & in default without paying $78m matured sovereign bond to China...


Why doesn’t IMF/World Bank propose pruning Sri Lanka’s Parliament & recovering from Big tax defaulters first!

  Was Sri Lanka’s economic crisis precipitated by an externally planned course to incrementally result in outcome? This is a question Sri Lankans need to ask themselves. How far have Sri Lanka’s elected leaders,...


International land grab for national resources & implications for Sri Lanka

Land grabbing is taking place at national / regional & global scales. Large-scale land deals/transactions are taking place by transnational corporations or initiated by foreign governments. One of the major reasons for escalation of...


How far are Foreign Companies (MNCs) IMF/WB influencing Sri Lanka?

  It is estimated that 80,000 companies drive the 21st century economy. How far do they exert political & economic power over their own country-govts to influence foreign governments & how far does this...