Category: Sinhale Buddhist Heritage


Collaborating to destroy the Sinhala Buddhist foundation of Sri Lanka – Education & Maha Sangha

  This is taking place at 2 levels – targeting adults & the Sangha through various denationalization programs in order to take them away from defending/protecting/preserving National Culture/Heritage & then using education as a...


Attempts to denationalize Sri Lankan citizens

  Running parallel to removing nationally controlled state-entities are well funded initiatives to create non-citizens out of citizens. The goal is to remove any passion within people to defend one’s nation. When a nation...


How would an independent North Sri Lanka get blood for hospitals because Tamil caste compels Sinhala soldiers to donate blood?

  The Tamil politicians and the LTTE Diaspora may blow hot & cold, spend lavishly on propaganda projecting Sinhalese as discriminating them, committing war crimes & stoop so low as to claim genocide, but...


Sri Lanka’s National Identity & Sinhala Buddhists

    The reason to target the majority Sinhalese Buddhist is to break the source & secret that holds the nation together. The amalgamation of the Sinhalese, their language, their literature, their culture was...


Other countries can mention God – but Sri Lanka can’t mention Buddha

  Every time Sri Lanka mentions the words Sinhalese, Buddhists or Buddhism the whole world appears to get agitated & they take pains to showcase why there should be no reference to Sinhala Buddhists...


Open Letter to all the Buddhism Bashing Protestors & their Organisers

  There is a saying that one’s freedoms and rights stop the moment another’s freedoms and rights are hindered. The recent public protests, we all presume was against governance and in particular the government...