Category: Role of West & Alliances


US ambassador Chung: If Capitol Hill rioters are to face sedition charges – what about July9 in Sri Lanka?

  An 11 member far-right militia group “Oath Keepers” are charged with seditious conspiracy for January 2021 while another group was also charged in January 2022 attacks on the US Capitol. More than 725...


Future of a post-Rajapakse Sri Lanka

  13th July 2022 will be remembered as the day an elected President resigned becoming the only President since 1978 to do so. He was the 7th President of Sri Lanka but one who...


Sri Lanka’s Crisis: Scenarios & Options

The political system has collapsed. Mob rule has taken over. Where lies the People’s mandate? Is Sri Lanka a functioning democracy or is life to function as per protests, protestors & their demands? What...


Lessons for Sri Lanka: Libya after US-NATO “liberated Libya”

  By the time we understand the truth it is too late, the damage has been done. For Libyans, they have to face their sad fate. Falling under heavily funded Western propaganda of lies...


Bishop Robert Caldwell – The same Church that coined Dravida Nadu must also be championing Tamil Eelam

  There was no term called Dravidian until a British missionary arriving in India in 1838 created it to serve several agendas of the Church. The next 40 years was spent in converting Hindu...


Making sense of Sri Lanka’s crisis & predicting the outcome

    Where do we start? How about the US-engineered regime change in 2015. It remains a puzzle why the engineers of the regime change decided to end yahapalana shelf-life, just as it is...


Sri Lanka’s Economic Crossroad – Scenarios to consider

  We are all puzzled as to what is going on in Sri Lanka. The people want answers & deserve answers. For too long politicians have taken the people for a ride. The buck...


Public Protests, Rajapakse Rule & Indo-US manipulations

    Sri Lanka is experiencing an unprecedent state of events. Taken as a whole, there is much to analyze. Sri Lanka has seen governance pass from one colored party to another. Opportunistic politics...


IMF loans & Sri Lanka: Bartering whatever resources we have left

All IMF loans come with conditions. The requesting country submits a letter of intent with its economic plan & that plan is not what the country proposes to do with the loan but only...