Category: Role of West & Alliances


How the world reacted when Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces militarily ended LTTE terrorists

  LTTE was an armed group waging terror on the citizens of Sri Lanka. Since 1980s LTTE has been either bombing, sending suicide missions, assassination squads or setting off claymore bombs virtually every day,...


BBC producer says sarin attack on Syrian Douma hospital was staged – proves our distrust in C4 footage against Sri Lanka

  There are very valid reasons why Sri Lankan patriots are backing its National Army being falsely accused of war crimes by individuals & organizations that have been party to Syria’s false flag incidents...


What good is GSP plus if the 58 conditions undermines Sri Lanka’s national sovereignty & security?

What is the better human rights that EU boasts of that is not prevalent in other parts of the world? Does the EU member states not suffer crimes and violations of any kind? Is...