Category: Role of SL Govt / National Army

Sri Lanka-UNHRC – are countries ready to face the Ugly Truth? 0

Sri Lanka-UNHRC – are countries ready to face the Ugly Truth?

    Given that UN-US-India & other nations including the Church are asking for Truth & Accountability, are they prepared to own up to some hard truths? The citizens of Sri Lanka all know...


Sri Lanka FM Sabry – Don’t promote FAILED South African Truth & Reconciliation Commission

    Sri Lanka is making fundamental errors if we compare Sri Lanka’s problem with that of South Africa. Sri Lanka faced a non-international armed conflict by armed combatants who terrorized all communities &...


Sri Lanka must enable a National Advisory Council under the OPA

Democracy is all about electing people to office as people’s representatives. However, people have to put up with them until their term is complete to change them. Either there has to be a mechanism...


Future of a post-Rajapakse Sri Lanka

  13th July 2022 will be remembered as the day an elected President resigned becoming the only President since 1978 to do so. He was the 7th President of Sri Lanka but one who...


13 years since LTTE eliminated – LTTE Diaspora/UNHRC must end the lies & move on

  A closure is needed. The lies must end. Stop the tamashas as attendance is also declining. With every year people are waking up & intelligently asking questions & seeking answers. Soon they will...