Category: Role of SL Govt / National Army


Removal of Sri Lanka’s Military from NE – Threat to Buddhist Archaeological sites – what is the GoSL doing?

  It will take time for the people to realize the real context behind the debt situation & the solution of the saviors that has put people further in debt. The conditions or sacrifices...


Some questions for Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau from Sri Lanka

  LTTE elimination Did you know LTTE was defeated in May 2009 after LTTE refused 3 opportunities given to lay down arms & surrender & chose to face its fate. Consultative Committees Did you...


No hired Tamil racist-separatist hooligans could prevent commemoration of 270 years of Sri Lanka-Thai Buddhist friendship

It was in 1752 that Ven. Upali Thera of Siam was assigned by the Siamese monarch to visit Sri Lanka to restore the Buddhist Sangha Order in Sri Lanka. The backdrop to this was...


How would an independent North Sri Lanka get blood for hospitals because Tamil caste compels Sinhala soldiers to donate blood?

  The Tamil politicians and the LTTE Diaspora may blow hot & cold, spend lavishly on propaganda projecting Sinhalese as discriminating them, committing war crimes & stoop so low as to claim genocide, but...


We challenge Canada & Ontario to produce evidence of “genocide” in Sri Lanka

  We challenge anyone & any country accusing Sri Lanka of “genocide” to place their facts first. These facts should give a good background knowledge of what LTTE is & what LTTE did to...


North Sri Lanka: Battle between Indian Tamil Hindus vs Western Tamil Christians/Catholics

  There is a reason why India is always stressing on India’s security interest when the issue of Sri Lanka emerges. It maybe now dawning on India, that it was foolishly roped into training...


3 Britishers debunk Tamil Homeland myth

In 1992 a paper was presented by a Working Group of the International Federation of Tamils in London. This paper cites a quote from the British Colonial Secretary in June 1799 to the UK...