Category: Role of Media


Questions for Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith

Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith is not only asking questions but making all sorts of wild allegations. Cardinal Malcolm also needs to answer some questions.   Cardinal Malcom – Are you aware that within the course...


INTERNATIONAL BIAS: World reaction to US Capitol Hill riot & Protestors rioting in Sri Lanka

  Let us compare how the international community reacted to 2 incidents of riots targeting State buildings in US & Sri Lanka & the hypocrisy of those issuing statements in response to both incidents....


Future of a post-Rajapakse Sri Lanka

  13th July 2022 will be remembered as the day an elected President resigned becoming the only President since 1978 to do so. He was the 7th President of Sri Lanka but one who...


Sri Lanka’s Crisis: Scenarios & Options

The political system has collapsed. Mob rule has taken over. Where lies the People’s mandate? Is Sri Lanka a functioning democracy or is life to function as per protests, protestors & their demands? What...


Racial Killings in US leading to riots & protests from 2020-2022

      50 incidents between 2020 & 2022 in US linked to racially motivated killings and protests that ensued thereafter. While systematic racism continues in US, there are coloured-people who have risen to...


Is foreign-funded “Civil Society” attempting to replace the Political System in Sri Lanka?

  Do “civil society” actually represent Sri Lankan citizens or are they representatives of those that fund or pay their salaries? Their connections and the manner they network provide clues. While they point fingers...


Lessons for Sri Lanka : “psychological operations in guerilla warfare“ CIA Manual used in Nicaragua

  The reason US invaded countries of Latin America for 39 years was bananas. However, the Nicaraguan operation was different. US was involved in 2 covert operations in Nicaragua & Iran (1984-1987) The 1stoperation...


Will Sri Lanka become another Haiti?

Before answering this we need to know a little about Haiti & what happened to it to draw parallels with Sri Lanka. The question is relevant because people are talking about the likelihood of...


What or who caused the economic collapse of Sri Lanka

  Sri Lanka’s economic debacle is a collective result of embracing capitalist consumerism, importing more than exporting, spending more than earning, taking loans to continue artificial lifestyle & taking more loans to pay the...