Category: Role of Media


Who are promoting LGBTQ among adults & children & influencing governments?

Are there more powerful people than politicians who can get what they want with the power of funding? Who are these people who openly & anonymously fund lobby groups, legislative changes, all modes of...


Minister Sabry: Surely you should know Sri Lanka’s terrorism is no comparison to South Africa’s apartheid

Sri Lanka’s politicians may enjoy jaunts overseas but they must be sensible to not agree to every foolhardy suggestion that comes their way. We have had a string of foreign ministers nod their heads...


Why are entities promoting “inclusive” Sri Lanka attempting to divide Sri Lanka via 13a?

The US, UK, EU, Canada are eternally parroting the need for an inclusive society, so too does UN & its associated organizations, the western-salaried NGOs/INGOs and civil society also preach need for inclusive, peace-loving,...


Is the Global Elites ransacking world economy to make sure we own nothing?

  The Global Research article titled “Historical analysis of the Global Elites: ransacking the world economy until you’ll own nothing” by Robert I Burrowes is not only worth reading but worth thinking about too....