Category: Political Parties


Indo-Lanka Accord of 29 July 1987 does not restrict Sri Lanka’s use of its own Ports or Trinco Oil Tanks

The Indo-Lanka Accord was signed on 29 July 1987 in Colombo with Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi signing on behalf of India & President J R Jayawardena signing on behalf of Sri Lanka. There are...


Lessons for Sri Lanka: What US means when it delivers “Democracy” via NED to China

    US Govt delivers democracy through National Endowment for Democracy NED. Foreign aid & programs associated with the aid were to determine the manner of “democracy” to be delivered. That “democracy” meant helping...


Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith blames UN & Foreign Conspiracy for Easter Sunday attacks

  On 21 April 2019 9 suicide bombers committed suicide in 3 Churches, 3 hotels and 1 motel killing over 270 innocent people. While all of the suicide bombers are dead, we are yet...


Questions for Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith

Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith is not only asking questions but making all sorts of wild allegations. Cardinal Malcolm also needs to answer some questions.   Cardinal Malcom – Are you aware that within the course...


INTERNATIONAL BIAS: World reaction to US Capitol Hill riot & Protestors rioting in Sri Lanka

  Let us compare how the international community reacted to 2 incidents of riots targeting State buildings in US & Sri Lanka & the hypocrisy of those issuing statements in response to both incidents....


Who is NED & what is its role in Sri Lanka

The term “democracy” has become a tool used to undermine democracy in the name of democracy by interfering into the internal affairs of countries & causing mayhem. What the CIA did back in the...


Sri Lanka must enable a National Advisory Council under the OPA

Democracy is all about electing people to office as people’s representatives. However, people have to put up with them until their term is complete to change them. Either there has to be a mechanism...