Category: Chartering Our Future


India prevented food-fuel-medicines to Nepal in 2015 – Sri Lanka doesn’t learn lessons

  How many are aware of the 2015 economic embargo imposed by India on Nepal simply because Nepal was including clauses in its new constitution in September 2015 that India did not like! It...

South African Truth & Reconciliation Commission was a waste of Tax Payers money – so will Sri Lanka’s! 0

South African Truth & Reconciliation Commission was a waste of Tax Payers money – so will Sri Lanka’s!

Any truth & reconciliation commission that shies from exposing the true players who trained, armed and funded militancy in Sri Lanka as well as provide covert & overt support that led to the 3...


අශුද්ධ සන්ධානය: JVP-NPP නායකයා, ඇමරිකාවේ නවතම දේශපාලන පෙම්වතා

  අද ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ, රෝහණ විජේවීරගේ ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ නොවේ. එය 1972 සහ 1980 ගණන්වල කැරලිවලින් දිවිගලවා ගත් අයත් එකඟ වනු නොඅනුමානය. අද ඔවුන්ගෙන් බොහෝ දෙනෙක් කලකිරීමට පත්ව සිටිති, ඔවුන්ගේ ජීවිතයේ හොඳම කාලයඔවුන්ව...