Category: Chartering Our Future


The Political Tsunami in Sri Lanka’s Parliamentary Elections

Parliamentary elections in recent years had never seen what resulted in nothing short of a tsunami on 14 November 2024. The silver lining was that virtually all of the old brigade who had entered...


Sri Lanka: Justice Imam Report Declares Channel 4’s allegations a Hoax but Cardinal Congratulated C4

Now that MP Udaya Gammanpila has made public the Imam Committee Report, it is poignant to return to September 2023, when Channel 4 first broadcasted its program. at 1105p.m. (SL time 0335a.m.). The Cardinal...


Mahamolakaru behind attack on Israeli’s in Sri Lanka & Israeli Honorary Consul violating Diplomatic Protocols

  Sri Lanka managed to avert a disaster as a result of timely intel surveillance & prevented a likely massacre of Israeli tourists frequenting the Eastern Coast of Arugam Bay for surfing. The sudden...


Easter Sunday Truth vs Conspiracy – Who are spreading conspiracy theories & why?

  One mass murder managed to send 3 President’s home & brought one President to power based on assurance given to deliver justice to the victims. While LTTE committed over 300 gruesome terror attacks...


Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh & now Indonesia – who is steering the “protestors”

How “orchestrated” were the protests in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh & now Indonesia – Each certainly had a core reason but were there some hidden hands egging them on? How many of these pawns...