Category: Chartering Our Future


Why is the Bar Association of Sri Lanka silent on UK Govt weaponizing Human Rights against Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces?

  All citizens of Sri Lanka irrespective of party politics must stand together united in defense of Sri Lanka & its National Army. All those with the ability to analyze history, its legacies &...


Sri Lankan Truth Commission – Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces must not fall for this trap of story-telling & confessions for compensation!

    South Africa’s Truth & Reconciliation Commission was NOT a tribunal & therefore had no powers to prosecute individuals as there were no judges, no lawyers & no intention to declare who was...


Trump administration allegations against Soros & Soros Foundation influence in Sri Lanka

The Trump administration is making public some shocking news of misuse of US tax payers’ money by USAID. Amidst these revelations is more shocking news of the role of George Soros & his Open...


CHATGPT list of US agencies funding Govt & Civil Society warrants immediate investigation & disclose to Sri Lankan citizens by the GoSL

  US funding for GoSL entities & Civil Society 2015 to present Click to open list With “artificial intelligence” now becoming the buzzword, citizens should utilize it to gather information while knowing that it...

තිස්ස විහාරය : ජාතිවාදීන් වන්නේ ගජෙන්ද්‍රකුමර් පොන්නම්බලම් හා ඔහුගේ සියා හා පියා මිස – සිංහලයන් නොවේ 0

තිස්ස විහාරය : ජාතිවාදීන් වන්නේ ගජෙන්ද්‍රකුමර් පොන්නම්බලම් හා ඔහුගේ සියා හා පියා මිස – සිංහලයන් නොවේ

තිස්ස විහාරය : ජාතිවාදීන් වන්නේ ගජෙන්ද්‍රකුමර් පොන්නම්බලම් හා ඔහුගේ සියා හා පියා මිස – සිංහලයන් නොවේ   ගජෙන්ද්‍රකුමර් පොන්නම්බලම් යනු ජි ජි පොන්නම්බලම්ගේ (G G Ponnambalam) මුනුබුරාය, කුමාර් පොන්නම්බලම්ගේ (Kumar Ponnambalam) පුතාය. සමස්ත ලංකා...


Tissa Vihara The racists are Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam, his grandfather G G Ponnambalam & his father Kumar Ponnambalam not the Sinhalese

On 6 February 2025 abusing parliamentary privileges Gajendra Ponnambalam representing the TNPF eloquently uttered falsehoods while Parliament sat & listened primarily due to their own ignorance of history & facts. Leaving aside the string...