Category: International Issues


Why doesn’t IMF/World Bank propose pruning Sri Lanka’s Parliament & recovering from Big tax defaulters first!

  Was Sri Lanka’s economic crisis precipitated by an externally planned course to incrementally result in outcome? This is a question Sri Lankans need to ask themselves. How far have Sri Lanka’s elected leaders,...


Is Global South being robbed & corrupted & scorned for it?

    An interesting article by Caitlin Johnstone titled “Robbing the Global South, then scorning its poverty: notes from the edge of the narrative matrix” gives much food for thought. She quotes Michael Parenti...


International land grab for national resources & implications for Sri Lanka

Land grabbing is taking place at national / regional & global scales. Large-scale land deals/transactions are taking place by transnational corporations or initiated by foreign governments. One of the major reasons for escalation of...


How far are Foreign Companies (MNCs) IMF/WB influencing Sri Lanka?

  It is estimated that 80,000 companies drive the 21st century economy. How far do they exert political & economic power over their own country-govts to influence foreign governments & how far does this...


How can George Bush Jnr just laugh at Iraq war & now laugh at Ukraine!

  “The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of IRAQ … I mean of the Ukraine ….Iraq too, anyway … (he laughs) …I’am 75 (audience laughs) …”. The...


NO TRUTH COMMISSION if foreign MPs linked to LTTE are not investigated

  Dravida Nadu was a Christian Missionary movement & Tamil Eelam is possibly too. How India got wrangled to train & arm LTTE in a project initially rooted by the Church is a puzzle...


What if Black Americans demanded Internal Self-Determination from America?

The US has been delivering democracy, liberating people, fighting for freedoms, carrying out coloured revolutions & regime change for centuries. What if, back home they have been ignoring their own problems. We have watched...


Did US use Ukraine-Russia war to weaken Europe?

  Was US using Ukraine for a bigger goal than to draw Russia into a proxy war? Did US use the Ukraine war to destabilize & weaken EU? Shouldn’t EU leaders & Europeans wake...


Why are India & China fighting over a colonial created artificial border line?

China has a history of over 3500 years. India’s history dates back to the Indus Valley civilization. India was given its name by the British in 1947. Asia’s population is 4.5billion of which 2.7billion...