Category: International Issues


Ouster of Presidents in Sri Lanka & now Peru – Will Sri Lanka ever learn lessons!

Ben Norton’s Geopolitical Economy Report reveals some interesting facts. The US-backed coup on 7 December 2022  against President Pedro Castillo (immediately after the ousting of Sri Lanka’s President via a well-funded protest) The Peruvian...


We challenge Canada & Ontario to produce evidence of “genocide” in Sri Lanka

  We challenge anyone & any country accusing Sri Lanka of “genocide” to place their facts first. These facts should give a good background knowledge of what LTTE is & what LTTE did to...


Why doesn’t IMF prune the unlimited perks of politicians before reducing Sri Lanka’s Military?

We have taken 16 loans from IMF since 1965, countless IMF officials have been landing & leaving advising every Government on how to manage the economy and yet we remain trapped into debt with...


Is the Global Elites ransacking world economy to make sure we own nothing?

  The Global Research article titled “Historical analysis of the Global Elites: ransacking the world economy until you’ll own nothing” by Robert I Burrowes is not only worth reading but worth thinking about too....


Ulterior motives behind “Gender Equality Bill” – Another attempt to dislodge Sri Lanka’s Cultural heritage & Sinhala Buddhist identity

  When anything is difficult to introduce, the tactic used is to camouflage the insidious objective & sugar coat it in a manner that can win over people’s approval. Thus, the name “Gender Equality”...

Sri Lanka: Stop living off loans – Austerity for Rich & Stimulus for Middle Class & Poor 0

Sri Lanka: Stop living off loans – Austerity for Rich & Stimulus for Middle Class & Poor

There are some harsh realities that Sri Lankans need to accept. We have enjoyed nominal independence since 1948 and artificially celebrate that every year. We ignore that we became a republic only in 1972....


Central Bank of Sri Lanka & IMF Bail Out : Is their priority to pay off creditors & put Sri Lankans in further debt?

What has Sri Lanka’s Central Bank offered the Government by way of a fiscal national policy solution having proudly declared Sri Lanka bankrupt & in default without paying $78m matured sovereign bond to China...