Category: Ethno-Religious Issues


The Political Tsunami in Sri Lanka’s Parliamentary Elections

Parliamentary elections in recent years had never seen what resulted in nothing short of a tsunami on 14 November 2024. The silver lining was that virtually all of the old brigade who had entered...


Mahamolakaru behind attack on Israeli’s in Sri Lanka & Israeli Honorary Consul violating Diplomatic Protocols

  Sri Lanka managed to avert a disaster as a result of timely intel surveillance & prevented a likely massacre of Israeli tourists frequenting the Eastern Coast of Arugam Bay for surfing. The sudden...


Gender Equity Bill & Women’s Empowerment Bill

පටන්ගන්නේ සමලිංගික ප්‍රජාව ආරක්ෂා කිරීම තේමාවෙන් ඉන් පසු …. අහිංසක ඉල්ලීම් … බටහිර මුදල් & බටහිර මාධ්‍ය උපයෝගී කරගෙන සමලිංගික විවාහ නීතිගත කිරීම සමලිංගික (පිරිමි-පිරිමි / ගැහැණු-ගැහැණු දරුවන් හදාගැනීම ඉල්ලීම මෙම දරුකමට හදාගත් දරුවන්...


Sri Lanka ends LTTE Terrorism: All foreigners commemorating “Mullaivaikkal Massacre” get your facts straight first

Foreign MPs mustering votes will attend, INGOs/NGO representatives fulfilling geopolitical agendas will attend, diplomats ordered by their governments will attend, families of dead LTTE will attend, other Tamils will be forced to attend. This...

South African Truth & Reconciliation Commission was a waste of Tax Payers money – so will Sri Lanka’s! 0

South African Truth & Reconciliation Commission was a waste of Tax Payers money – so will Sri Lanka’s!

Any truth & reconciliation commission that shies from exposing the true players who trained, armed and funded militancy in Sri Lanka as well as provide covert & overt support that led to the 3...


TULF letter to Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi on 28 Oct 1987 confirms 13th amendment was drafted by Sri Lanka not India & Sri Lanka has every right to repeal it.

  The Indo Lanka Accord proposes an interim-arrangement administrative system by merging North & East provinces & a referendum in the East one year after signing the agreement to continue merger or not (catch...