Category: Constitution Related


Future of a post-Rajapakse Sri Lanka

  13th July 2022 will be remembered as the day an elected President resigned becoming the only President since 1978 to do so. He was the 7th President of Sri Lanka but one who...


Sri Lanka’s Crisis: Scenarios & Options

The political system has collapsed. Mob rule has taken over. Where lies the People’s mandate? Is Sri Lanka a functioning democracy or is life to function as per protests, protestors & their demands? What...


Is the next plan to have the Judiciary take over Sri Lanka?

  Sri Lanka has been a guinea pig since colonial times experimenting “democracy”. Since post-independence we have been thrown numerous challenges to test us. These have enabled more “tests” to be thrown at us....


Is foreign-funded “Civil Society” attempting to replace the Political System in Sri Lanka?

  Do “civil society” actually represent Sri Lankan citizens or are they representatives of those that fund or pay their salaries? Their connections and the manner they network provide clues. While they point fingers...


GoSL cannot give title ownership of State land only to farmers – all citizens have to be given state land ownership

  The current government is only a caretaker government with a cocktail cabinet. Its mandate was to only deal with the financial crisis. The prime minister has no mandate to give state land to...