Monthly Archive: January 2023


Why can’t the Sinhalese demand separate provincial councils too?

  The Indo-Lanka Accord signed under duress in July 1987 with even Prabakaran held virtual hostage in Delhi until Rajiv Gandhi returned from Colombo to New Delhi, does not mention a word about 13a...


Why are entities promoting “inclusive” Sri Lanka attempting to divide Sri Lanka via 13a?

The US, UK, EU, Canada are eternally parroting the need for an inclusive society, so too does UN & its associated organizations, the western-salaried NGOs/INGOs and civil society also preach need for inclusive, peace-loving,...


We challenge Canada & Ontario to produce evidence of “genocide” in Sri Lanka

  We challenge anyone & any country accusing Sri Lanka of “genocide” to place their facts first. These facts should give a good background knowledge of what LTTE is & what LTTE did to...


Why doesn’t IMF prune the unlimited perks of politicians before reducing Sri Lanka’s Military?

We have taken 16 loans from IMF since 1965, countless IMF officials have been landing & leaving advising every Government on how to manage the economy and yet we remain trapped into debt with...


Pretending to Represent YOUTH – JVP & LTTE have killed & ruined the lives of Sri Lanka’s YOUTH

  It is interesting how two groups terrorized 2 communities beyond measure. Both targeted youth and both are responsible for their deaths, their indoctrination, trauma to their families & ruining their youth & disabling...