Monthly Archive: May 2022


Under whose orders did attackers come in bikes & buses to attack Muslim shops 3 weeks after EasterSunday bombings in Sri Lanka?

  Is there proof beyond reasonable doubt that the attacks on 13/14 May 2019 in various parts of North Central/Western province was by Sinhalese? Were the attacks a form of collective guilt that Germans...


ශ්‍රි ලංකා ආර්ථික අර්බුදයට BASL යෝජනා උත්තර දෙයිද?

Does the BASL proposals answer the economic crisis in Sri Lanka? ලංකා  ආර්ථික අර්බුදයට BASL යෝජනා උත්තර දෙයිද? BASL ෙයජනා 9. ඒ. ප කරන ලද ෙෂ ජනාප මශන ෙකාසම අවලං කරන යාමක ම සඳහා...


When EPRLF kidnapped an American couple in 1984 & sought ransom paid to Tamil Nadu Government

On 10 May 1984 an American couple Stanley & Mary Allen were kidnapped by Jaffna. The kidnapping was timed with the visit of Snr George Bush former CIA director’s visit to New Delhi....


Situation in Sri Lanka – are we returning to Dutch-East-India Company rule?

  On one side of the spectrum protests are calling for the stepping down of entire Parliament, amidst this are a bevy of piggy-bank protestors while the more important question should be where do...